Progetti Europei – Fondazioni Bancarie – Regione Umbria
Dal 1998 il Laboratorio del Cittadino, grazie al Programma europeo Life Long Learning (oggi Erasmus +), ha avviato importanti collaborazioni con istituzioni, enti e scuole in campo nazionale e internazionale, attivando e sviluppando iniziative, campagne, progetti sulla tutela e valorizzazione dell’ambiente naturale e culturale, con progetti LLP, Erasmus+, Europe for Citizens e PSR Regione Umbria.

Patti Territoriali Educazione al patrimonio territoriale
LINKUn progetto realizzato con il sostegno della Fondazione Perugia

Hortus Trasimeni: Coltiviamo la Solidarietà
European Heritage Puzzle Link al progetto
Progetto realizzato con il sostegno della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Perugia
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European Heritage Puzzle
Erasmus+ Ka2European Heritage Puzzle Link al progetto
Every EHP partner needs to enlarge its activity scope to reach more and more people, among which disadvantaged ones are a specific target. We want to facilitate the integration of new inhabitants in their new location, which means that we also want to help our local community to welcome them with their diversity and own richness.

Comenius RegioCEVIP - Link al progetto
Instead of using icons, you can choose to use images. This opens up a whole new look for the flip boxes and gives you more creative freedom in creating layouts.
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EVEIL 2020
Comenius RegioEVEIL 2020 - Link al progetto
Heritage for everybody | Lifelong Learning Program – Comenius Regio

GrundtvigHEFORE - Link al progetto
Heritage for everybody | Lifelong Learning Program – Grundtvig
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GrundtvigREC - Link al progetto
Le site du projet de partenariat éducatif Grundtvig Regards d’Europe Croisés se déroulant entre 2012-2014.
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SOS Sciences
Erasmus+ KA2 (ex Regio)SOS Sciences - Link al progetto
Ce projet est d’abord complémentaire: il vient renforcer les actions entreprises lors des Comenius Regio de 2009 à 2013.
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Erasmus+ ProjectUDEL21 - Link al progetto
Project UDEL21 aims to help schools and training providers on both regional and international level to integrate broad defined diversity in education and therefore to realise better learning.
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EU.V.A.C.: Une Visione d’Avenir Commune
EU.V.A.C.: Une Visione d’Avenir CommuneLe projet EUVAC est promu par l’association Laboratorio del Cittadino APS en collaboration avec l’administration communale de Castiglione del Lago (Ombrie).
Program Europe pour les cityoens

V.E.I.S.A. “Vivre Ensemble: Inclusion Sociale en Action”
Le projet est né pour réaliser un authentique et véritable exercice de démocratie participative, en s’assurant de la participation des citoyens et de la mobilisation de vastes secteurs de la société civile, par le biais d’un échantillon calibré d’organisations petites, moyennes et grandes qui, provenant des diverses aires géographiques européennes…
Link au projet

EURO.MULTI.CO - European Multilevel Cooperation
All the information regarding the project – i.e. partners, activities, meetings developed to support education, training and multiculturalism in all participating schools – can be found here. The project aims to improve autonomy, creative thinking, problem solving and foreign language competences in students. The project plans to enhance school staff efficiency, school resource managing, and student job opportunities in areas in which unemployment rates remain high.

La parola ai giovani per anticipare il futuro dell'Innovazione sociale
Progetto promosso dalla Regione Umbria Servizio Programmazione Socio-Sanitaria
Il progetto, realizzato dal Laboraotrio del cittadino APS è stato sviluppato in collaborazione con numerosi partner nei comuni di Castiglione del Lago, Umbertide e Perugia

Cultural Heritage in the cities
Erasmus+ Project KA2
Il progetto coordinato dal partner inglese Pro Art & Co, in collaborazione con Pero Art VOZD di Belgrado è realizzato per promuovere l’educazione degli adulti attraverso il patrimonio materiale e immateriale dei 3 paesi partner

DIGITAL BOOKS FOR ME ARE EVERYWHEREErasmus+ KA2 project for development of initiatives and apps to promote reading among students aged between 10 and 5 year old
Programma europa per i cittadini
Europe for Citizens projects

EuActive Citizenship Project
Europe for citizens projectEuCiP - Link al progetto
The project coordinated by the organization Laboratorio del cittadino Onlus it’s the answer to the citizen’s disaffection to the National and European Institutions.
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BAM - Bagages a main
Europe for citizens projectBAM - LINK AL PROGETTO
Six villes jumelés, l’Université de Pérouse et les autres partenaires d’Europe ont découvert l’intérêt qu’ils avaient à partager leurs initiatives culturelles et sociales.
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CAP - Comprendre, Agir, Parteciper
Europe for citizens projectEGPJ - Link al progetto
Nous assistons à des mutations significatives des conditions de vie et des structures sociales et culturelles avec la recrudescence de l’immigration et la «crise» dramatique des réfugiés.
Link au projet